Autumn berry colours are irresistible. This September there seem to be more than ever. I just had to try another berry dye. Or two.
I ought to know better. Last summer I made a lovely red raspberry dye bath. Within a week, my pale pink wool had faded almost completely. Last autumn, a fabulous dark blackberry bath - beige wool. Soaked and simmered deep red rose hips - not even an exciting colour dye bath. And I'm only talking about lightfastness here, the fruit dyed wool really wasn't worth knitting into something that might go through the wash.
Elderberries were the exception. Last September, I picked a carrier bag full of ripe heads, fermented them for a few days and simmered below the boil for an hour in a big pot of water, then added Texere Chunky 100% wool skeins, mordanted with Alum and Cream of Tartar. The result was eyewateringly strong, glaring rather than deep purple. Thankfully, it calmed down to a more muted and usable shade over the next couple of weeks.
That change can't simply be about lightfastness, because the middle of my tightly rolled balls faded as much as the wool on the outside. I gave some of the batch an iron afterbath, by adding a splash of vinegar that had had rusty nails soaking in it. This turned it a moody purplish gray. The dyebath still had a lot of colour and hadn't gone mouldy, so I simmered it again with more wool and got a paler shade.

You might imagine I would stick to collecting berries for pies and jams, now. I did mean to. Out with the dog on my half day last week, I got a mixture of elderberries, blackberries and dew berries and added a few damsons from a tree in the garden. This is the recipe for a rob, a cordial to drink with hot water when you have a cold, which I do.
Add enough water to cover, simmer for an hour, pulp with a potato masher and pour through a sieve into a jug. For every litre of juice, add 500g sugar and whatever suitable spices you have in the cupboard. In this case, sliced fresh ginger and some rather ancient cloves, a cinnamon stick and three star anise. Simmer for another hour and bottle. No idea if it does any good, but it hits the spot for me.
Having bottled the rob, I found myself with a sieve full of mashed purple pulp. It seemed a shame to waste it. Although it had been boiled, which would destroy most blue pigments, I simmered the pulp again in plenty of water, just to see what would happen to a small skein of mordanted wool. Not bad at all, wild berry pink. Maybe I'll use it for a stripe in some socks.
All things considered, don't bother dyeing with berries. Use them for jam or rob.
Better still, bottle them in gin for Christmas. Speaking of which, I wonder what would happen if I dyed wool with sloes?
So funny! It just seems like none of can resist! The rob sounds awesome.
ReplyDeleteThanks :) The rob is good stuff - wish I still had some left.